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Hau Giang Trien Khai Luat Tai Nguyen Nuoc Va Cac Nghi Djinh Huong Dan Thi Hanh Luat Djat Djai

Hậu Giang: Accelerating the Implementation of the Water Resources Law and Guiding Decrees for Land Law Enforcement


Hậu Giang province in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam is actively implementing the Law on Water Resources and guiding decrees for the enforcement of the Land Law. This comprehensive approach aims to sustainably manage and protect water resources while ensuring land use efficiency and compliance.

Water Resources Management and Protection

The Law on Water Resources provides a legal framework for the integrated and sustainable management of water resources in Vietnam. In Hậu Giang, authorities are focused on:

  • Protecting and restoring water sources, including rivers, lakes, and groundwater aquifers.
  • Preventing and controlling water pollution from industrial, agricultural, and domestic sources.
  • Implementing water conservation measures to reduce water consumption and promote efficient water use.

Land Law Enforcement and Land Use Optimization

The guiding decrees for the enforcement of the Land Law aim to ensure the rational and efficient use of land resources in Hậu Giang. Key objectives include:

  • Preventing land encroachment and illegal land use conversions.
  • Promoting sustainable agricultural practices and land consolidation to improve land productivity.
  • Enhancing land use planning and zoning to balance development with environmental protection.

Benefits of Coordinated Implementation

The coordinated implementation of the Water Resources Law and Land Law in Hậu Giang brings several benefits:

  • Improved water quality and availability for both human consumption and agricultural irrigation.
  • Reduced erosion and flood risks by maintaining healthy watersheds and vegetation cover.
  • Increased land productivity and economic growth through optimal land use and sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Enhanced compliance with environmental regulations and protection of natural resources for future generations.


Hậu Giang's proactive approach to implementing the Water Resources Law and Land Law guiding decrees demonstrates its commitment to sustainable development. By integrating water resources management with land use planning, the province is laying the foundation for a prosperous and environmentally responsible future for its citizens.
