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Ear Infection Symptoms In Adults

In addition to ear pain symptoms include Dizziness nausea vomiting vertigo sudden hearing loss. Signs and symptoms common in children include Ear pain especially when lying down Tugging or pulling at an ear. Common symptoms of a middle-ear infection in adults are Pain in 1 or both ears Drainage from the ear Muffled hearing Sore throat. The main symptoms of middle ear infections in adults include Ear pain which can be worse in the morning or cause trouble sleeping Ear. Symptoms of ear infections in adults vary depending on location and can include Inflammation and pain tenderness to the touch hearing..

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In addition to ear pain symptoms include Dizziness nausea vomiting vertigo sudden hearing loss. Signs and symptoms common in children include Ear pain especially when lying down Tugging or pulling at an ear. Common symptoms of a middle-ear infection in adults are Pain in 1 or both ears Drainage from the ear Muffled hearing Sore throat. The main symptoms of middle ear infections in adults include Ear pain which can be worse in the morning or cause trouble sleeping Ear. Symptoms of ear infections in adults vary depending on location and can include Inflammation and pain tenderness to the touch hearing..

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